Difficulty: Professional

VFR Corte (LFKT) to Corte (LFKT)

Time and date when contest available for download and participation: 2022-07-11 12:00:00
Race will be opened after selected time passed: 2022-07-15 12:00:00
Time and date after competition close: 2022-12-31 12:00:00
Sea level altitude

Top elevation of start gate: 6000 ft
START gate width: 4000 m

Top elevation of checkpoints: 6000 ft
Checkpoint Width: 1000 m

Final Point of the flight plan before FINISH
Top elevation of final gate: 2940 ft
Final Width: 500 m

FINISH Bottom elevation of finish gate: 1300 ft
Top elevation of finish gate: 1530 ft
Finish Width: 500 m

Length: 260 km
Approximate Time: 01:10:00

You must use the weather preset: Race-260-CORSICA

Discord channel: Race-260-CORSICA

Recommended Scene:
Wolrd Update 9
Corte LFKT by alpesAventure

After loading the flight, drive to the end of the 12 runway and level along the axial line. To take off, you can use a towing plane for this race.

Race files for manual installationNo results yet

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